Age Appropriate and Casual Plus Size Clothing

Published on by bosgoo11


On a recent trip to a large shopping mall, I was reminded of how distorted people’s images of fashion and beauty are. A considerable amount of women should be shopping in the plus size department, but they refuse too. Instead they try to fit into smaller sizes and the results are not flattering. The same happens with age appropriate dress; mothers wearing blouses designed for their teenage daughters just don’t look good.

Mature plus size clothing for women does not have to be trendy or try to chase down the latest fashion crazes. But it does need to be classically designed and made to fit well. Not too tight, and not too loose either. Women have curves, they are beautiful, and a nice outfit should show them off.

Finding age appropriate clothing doesn’t mean that every woman over 40 needs to start dressing like their grandmother. You can look your best without looking your trendiest. Casual plus size clothing, combined with some nice accessories and a good sense of fashion, will earn you lots of head turns and complements.

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Comment on this post
Ohmygoodness I completely agree! I think there are so many people who would benefit from the next size up in shorts or skirts. Now that it's summer, I feel like I'm constantly being flashed at the<br /> mall by skirts, shorts, and shirts that are too small! Love this post!